Western Growers represents our members to mitigate legislative and regulatory proposals that would place undue burden and restrictions on the fresh produce farmers who grow our food. Partnering with our Advocacy team, we work on long-term water solutions to promote savings and efficiencies in water monitoring and water use.
Under Ag Order 4.0, Preservation Inc. (PI) continues monitoring water quality of Central Coast agricultural-dominated waterways. In these upcoming meetings, PI will review past and current sampling results from the Cooperative Monitoring Program (CMP) in the Salinas and Santa Maria Valleys. The Coalition for Urban Rural Environmental Stewarship (CURES) will report on its best management practices … Read More
The Bureau of Reclamation and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are making federal funding available to improve efficiency of agricultural water use in California. Up to $1.5 million will be awarded by Reclamation in fiscal year 2022 via grants or cooperative agreements to entities with water or power delivery authority, including water districts and … Read More
The Central Arizona Project (CAP) held its annual Water Users Meeting on Wednesday, August 25. This is the first public meeting since the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation published its August 2021 24-Month Study on Monday, effectively declaring a shortage on the Colorado River for the Lower Colorado River Basin. The much-anticipated August study predicts that the elevation … Read More
The work Western Growers continues to do in Arizona allows me to focus on my main job- managing my employees and our farm. I know our industry is well represented, ensuring our company and others will continue to thrive.
Alex Muller
Pasquineli Produce Co., Yuma, AZ